Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts Craigslist has this dresser with similar modern attributes. Are you ready for this?...It is only $100. Can you handle it? I'm thinking I need to move out to New England so I can take advantage of all their amazing furniture offerings on The List.
Dedicated to all my fellow Craigslist and thrift store addicts who can't help but see endless potential in second hand goods. I live by the mantra: One man's junk is another man's...DIY!
If you're like me, there is often a large gap between the beautifully designed furnishings that you admire and the amount of funds you have available to purchase these items. I'd like to believe that with a little bit of inspiration, paint and a few how-to guides (and of course the perfect Craigslist find) the gap can be narrowed. I'm addicted to the joy of finding unique pieces for your home and life at fantastically affordable prices. This blog is very timely, as Craigslist finds expire within a week. So come back often, as there are always new items. Even if you aren't in the middle of a low-budget remodel, you'll hopefully enjoy checking-in to see through the lens of poteniality.
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